Just like you I grew up in a world ruled by patriarchy, a world that doled out traumatic experiences while simultaneously denying their existence. I was left with low self esteem, anxiety and depression, feeling that there was something fundamentally wrong with who I was.
By my mid teens I was an easy target and I found myself in a sexually and emotionally abusive relationship that lasted five years.
Before, during and after that time my life became a quest to understand why I felt so wrong and to find a way to feel better.
Through techniques like EFT, internal family systems, hypnotherapy and lots and lots of inner child work I have discovered what it means to heal, to feel like a fully whole person again. Now, when my past traumas are triggered I can recognise that what I’m feeling isn’t about now. I can honour my younger self by taking time out to visit her, reassure her and let her know she’s loved. I can deal with challenges with the strength of a grown woman, no longer feeling frozen. I can set and maintain boundaries that honour my needs, and so can you.
At Healing Womanhood we use many modalities. Two of my favourites are EFT and Hypnotherapy.
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and is also known as tapping. It has been around since the 80s so it's a relatively new but incredibly powerful tool. EFT combines meridian tapping (tapping on acupressure points) with talk therapy to produce results far more powerful than talk therapy alone can. EFT is a great way of reframing our situation, bringing us through our difficult feelings and out the other side and it can be used in a multitude of ways.
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy have been around for much longer than EFT so chances are you might know more about them. Hypnosis is a state of focused awareness. From this state we can access our subconscious mind and rewrite our old patterns. Like EFT it can be used in a multitude of ways and the two techniques fit together very well. They are both great ways of getting us back into our bodies and from here, creating the life of our dreams!
Below is a diagram of the EFT tapping points to get you started. For more resources check out my YouTube channel and Patreon membership.
View my qualifications
My quest for understanding leads me to undertake a great deal of training.
I am always eager to learn more about how I can help and support my clients on their transformative journey. Hover over this box to view my qualifications.
BSc Psychology 2:1 (University of York) (2004)
NCFE Level 3 Counselling (2004)
EFT Advanced Practitioner accreditation (2017)
Hypnotherapy Diploma (May 2023)