This one made me yawn! Luckily in EFT it’s a positive sign of energy moving! In our tapping this week we worked on moving ourselves to the top of our list of priorities, knowing that we matter just as much as everyone else. I found as I tapped that, for me at this time, it was my business I was prioritising over myself rather than other people. It’s funny because I’ve been thinking that my business needs and my own needs are perfectly aligned and, while this is true, my own needs also extend to my health and wellbeing and time with my family so it was useful to notice as I tapped and start to separate out what was me and what was my business. The longer I tapped the more I yawned and as I reached the positive rounds at the end of the tapping I couldn’t stop so I know that those positive ones were creating big shifts, definitely stick with it until the end if you choose to tap along!
The meditation was equally surprising for me. Guided to return to when we first learned to believe we were not important, I was fully expecting to travel back to see my mum not prioritising herself and to discover that I’d picked up the same habit. Instead I travelled straight back to the day of my Nana’s funeral, which at age ten, I was not allowed to attend. My inner child’s age fluctuated up and down throughout the meditation and it became clear that she had interpreted not being allowed to go to the funeral to mean that she didn’t matter her feelings didn’t matter. I let her tell me all about it and made space for her to express how she felt about the exclusion. We then opened the door to the under stairs cupboard and found my/her list of priorities which had only one thing on it; other people’s feelings and then in brackets (for safety) we took a crayon and wrote our name at the top of the list then followed the visualisation, seeing our name in skywriting and in the stars.
As we processed this another layer of feelings came up and out; the grief for my Nana that had never had space to be expressed at the time. By the end of the mediation my inner child was lighter and looked older more mature and was laughing, freed from those old feelings and beliefs.
If you’d like to follow along with this week’s tapping and meditation yourself you can find them at