Each week I work through our powerful and transformative Healing Womanhood Patreon resources, available to free and paid members, to see what they bring up for me.
This week the resources are all about feeling worthy and deserving of freedom from a situation that isn’t serving you and for me it was beliefs and an old way of being rather than a situation.
As I tapped on feeling trapped, I realised that beliefs I held about myself were keeping me very restricted. There was lots of stuff around being safe to make money and safe to stand out. The block I had around those things felt really solid and firm and as we tapped for the part of us that wanted to stay trapped, mine wasn’t at all keen to give me a way in to explain that it’s safe to make money and stand out. As I tapped on this I felt that part of me beginning to soften and allow me to create a new belief system that makes room for a new level of success. These new beliefs will need to be tapped in over the course of a few weeks because beliefs can sometimes be a little slower to shift than physical sensations or emotions so I will dedicate some time to this and see what happens!
In the meditation I found myself in a completely white room curled up on a little sofa. As I invited in my higher self she at first appeared as her regal self but as soon as she saw me she shifted into her kind old lady self. She sat with me on the sofa and held me, not speaking for a little while at first and then as my body began to relax she explained that all of the things that have been troubling me about my business growth are really quite irrelevant and peripheral to the core of my work. She showed me that the task is to be fully myself in my joy, love, gratitude and fun and allow that energy to shine out into the world, drawing in the people who would love to work with me. The more I worry about trying to understand marketing funnels and lead magnets and SEO the more I get pulled away from that beautiful energy. My team of allies echoed the same sentiment and held a very gentle very loving space for me.
It was so interesting to notice the difference in doing this meditation today from when I created it when there was a much higher energy vibe to my team, I was so pleased to see how adaptable they were to just what I needed in the moment. I say this every week but I will be revisiting this one as I come back into myself and my love of the work I’m doing and move away from marketing jargon and complicated nonsense!
To experience this week’s resources for yourself visit www.patreon.com/healingwomanhood