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Writer's pictureSaffron de Menezes

Inner teen rescue mission

My friend Lucy and I on the last day of school - one of the positives from that difficult time.

As I came to tap my way through this week’s video my first reflection was on how differently I perceive things now as an adult than I did as a child. Within this blog I give my personal reflections on the things that we tap or meditate on in our videos and looking at this week’s video - feeling protected - my first thought was ‘well I can’t think of anything huge I wasn’t protected from’.

I tapped along anyway -because I know by now that that’s the key to finding the answers - and almost immediately started thinking about school.

Thinking about it as an adult with my intellectual mind, school hadn’t seemed like a big enough thing to work on in this week’s video but once I invited my subconscious mind to let me know what needed healing today, it jumped right out at me because as a child and as a teen school was a living nightmare, an inescapable torture chamber of bullying and exclusion. For me it wasn’t the work but the social environment that was challenging and as soon as I started tapping it was my inner teenager that came forward.

There was a time in my teenage life when I would try to hurt myself to get out of school and that was the version of me I returned to. It felt so incredibly powerful first to really emphasise to that teenager that there was never anything wrong with her (a message she still needs to receive regularly to this day) and to go in as my strong, confident adult self and give my teenager what she needed.

As I tapped I visualised sitting down with myself at 14 and saying to her ‘it’s really clear that this isn’t the right situation for you and I can see that it’s hurting you so if you would like to we can take you out of it and look for alternative options for your education.’

This was not what really happened, it may not have even been a possibility at that time, but going back and allowing these parts of us to be seen, heard and valued for who they really are feels incredibly powerful and can bring us such a boost. As I imagined this conversation I could see a shift in the self image of my inner teenager as she started to see that maybe she does matter, maybe how she feels is important.

I want to acknowledge here that depending on the situation this is not necessarily about blaming our caregivers for not handling things differently, they may well have been doing the very best they could in the circumstances they were in but it’s still ok for us to feel our feelings about it, in fact we need to if we are to heal.

If you’d like to do this work yourself you can find this weeks tapping and meditation videos at and if you’d like some extra support you can book your free consultation at


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